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Case Review Conclusion
November 29, 2022 @ 4:32 PM
Hello, Everyone:
My CAETA Euthanasia Case Review concluded just after posting the preceding message. Its positive character continued to the end. The question I asked was answered very well. The entire process only took about two weeks...and that period included a holiday weekend. But I well know that the time between requesting a review and the actual review could seem like an unbearable eternity for someone who’s traumatized. Even so, I highly recommend your participation in this process. It may be even more beneficial for you than counseling by non-veterinarian professionals who may not have nearly as good an understanding of your experience as the veterinarian social worker who conducts these reviews.
If ...
November 28, 2022 @ 10:05 AM
Hello and welcome to the PetEuthanasia.Info Blog, by Michael.
If you’re reading this because you’ve been traumatized by a bad pet euthanasia (dysthanasia), no matter how long ago, may this blog and website may be of great value to you. We fellow victims have worked very hard to make it so! Maybe the most valuable advice I can offer is for you to;
Request a CAETA Euthanasia Case Review.
“The Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy (CAETA) Euthanasia Review Department specializes in case exploration to help pet owners and veterinary services understand patient response to the procedure. Talking through successes and challenges may help observers with the complexities of euthanasia, and .........