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Euthanasia Case Review Background
December 6, 2022 @ 11:39 AM
Dr. Kathleen, of the Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy, (CAETA) has given me permission to share posts from her Blog. I offer the post that describes the plans for the CAETA Euthanasia Case Review Department and the background for those plans. I think you’ll agree the the commitment and dedication to everyone involved in this especially difficult, sensitive area of finality in veterinary medicine is exceptionally impressive. Click or tap here to view Dr. Kathleen’s introductory message about this very significant development in the veterinary profession.
If you’ve witnessed a traumatizing pet euthanasia (dysthanasia), please consider making use of this opportunity for its review. It has potential to serve many important functions. For example, if you’re experiencing effects of the stigma associated with mourning the loss of a companion of another species, which says such mourning is inappropriate, a euthanasia case review may be your best remedy. Your response to the trauma will be acknowledged and respected. This stigma may be even more damaging, entrenched and unreasonable than the stigma that says there’s an “approved” method or “deadline” for “getting over” the loss of a human companion or relative.
Your case review may also serve as part of the data and resources needed to improve this aspect of veterinary medicine, which I think has been regarded by the profession as an ignored and perhaps unwanted stepchild. This emotional and technically difficult and potentially traumatizing, unrepeatable final procedure doesn’t seem to have gotten the research attention I think it deserves. Your case review may help shed light on what aspects of this procedure most need reform and may even indicate how to proceed.
CAETA seems to be the only party addressing and researching this aspect of veterinary medicine by formally offering opportunities for client participation. Please consider participating by requesting a review of your case.
Michael, of PEI
(For credits, click or tap photo.)
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