Reading the two Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy (CAETA) blogs “Evangelizing New Euthanasia Protocols to CoWorkers” and “Reducing Pain During Pre-Euthanasia Sedative Injections” was an emotional ROLLER COASTER for me! It was inspiring to learn of the many dedicated veterinarians serving so valiantly to bring companion animal euthanasia out of its dark age, but shocking to learn what’s necessary to gain more assurance that a euthanasia will be worthy of the term “good death”. An actual euthanasia, a final event that can so easily traumatize so many, seems like a very inappropriate time for improvisation. But this supports my view that companion animal euthanasia is a procedure that was added to the list of requests for the veterinary profession without ever being adequately researched or standardized. Shouldn’t the drug research and protocol standardization have long since been carried out in veterinary and pharmaceutical laboratories? Imagine the mass of trauma that could’ve been avoided.
Better late than never! You can play a critical part. Make certain your veterinarian knows you want a euthanasia for your companions free of added pain and stress. If the assurance you’re given is inadequate, make certain that veterinarian is aware of CAETA and search for one who can provide the assurance you want. If that assurance turns out to be false, do everything you can to minimize the possibility that anything like what you and your companion experienced will happen to others. You may begin on the “Help Reform...” page. I have added to my efforts by making certain that a veterinarian pharmaceutical company is aware of the improvisation and need for a suitable sedative drug.
(Click on or tap photos for credits.)
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