Hello and welcome to the PetEuthanasia.Info Blog, by Michael.
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- Euthanasia Case Review Background
November 28, 2022 @ 10:05 AM
If you’re reading this because you’ve been traumatized by a bad pet euthanasia (dysthanasia), no matter how long ago, may this blog and website may be of great value to you. We fellow victims have worked very hard to make it so! Maybe the most valuable advice I can offer is for you to;
Request a CAETA Euthanasia Case Review.
“The Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy (CAETA) Euthanasia Review Department specializes in case exploration to help pet owners and veterinary services understand patient response to the procedure. Talking through successes and challenges may help observers with the complexities of euthanasia, and assist those who may be struggling emotionally with what occurred. CAETA's objective is to provide neutral expert assessment of companion animal euthanasia performed or authorized by veterinarians, for pet owners and veterinary professionals seeking to understand the manner of a pet’s death.” (From the CAETA Case Review Department)
CAETA has compassionately and courageously added this complex, emotionally laden process to its primary educational role. This is monumental and critically needed. If seen as a type of research, it may also result in fewer dysthanasia in the future. It’s deserving of your assistance and participation. I’m now in the midst of a review of Tinkerbell’s dysthanasia. So far, the process seems very beneficial and well designed. If only this review had been possible immediately after Tinkerbell’s death. That would’ve made a great difference! I think this process is so important that I’m considering beginning every post with this advice. What do you think?
Posts on this blog will be irregular and dependent on available time and importance or urgency of any material. The maintenance requirements for this site have decreased to the point where I can now discuss with you the many new developments and realizations I’ve had regarding companion animal euthanasia.
More ASAP!
Farewell: Michael, of PEI
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